Our awesome Rollover Bonus!
Bringing items to our Boutique Bash that are allowed at our Kids EveryWEAR Sale? No need to pick them up! They can stay right where they are for the next event! For this reason, we will only sort children's off-season clothing, children's off-season shoes, and children's off-season accessories after our Boutique Bash. All of your seasonally-appropriate KE-acceptable items are left right where they are. (At our Boutique Bash in January/February, your Spring/Summer items stay in place and your Fall/Winter kids color tag items are sorted for Pickup and white tag items are donated. At our Boutique Bash in July/August, your Fall/Winter items stay in place and your Spring/Summer kids color tag items are sorted for Pickup and white tag items are donated.) Feel free to come to Pickup to get your check and any color tag items that are not accepted at the next event. Items not accepted at the Kids EveryWEAR event will be donated if not picked up by close on Pickup Day. The fee for Kids EveryWEAR is just $15 and is deducted from your check. If you have any items that roll over and sell, it is so worth it to bring tons more to the Kids EveryWEAR Sale!
It's a BONUS! The Rollover gives you a second chance to sell items that didn't sell during the Boutique Bash.
These items are sold at both events and will rollover:
- Toys & play equipment
- Puzzles/games/crafts
- Infant equipment
- Housewares
- Children’s seasonally-acceptable clothing
- Children's seasonally-acceptable shoes
Those items are not sorted for you after the Boutique Bash, but rather remain where they are on the sales floor for the Kids EveryWEAR Sale, whether or not you registered for KE.
That means you'll get a check for those rollover items if they sell at the Kids EveryWEAR event! So go ahead and tag more items for KE and maximize that $15 KE consignor fee by selling more, more, more!
This is the case for everyone. Even if you did not register for the Kids EveryWEAR Sale, you will be automatically registered if you sell any items.
At Boutique Bash Pickup, or on our Discount Day, you are welcome to locate any items you wish to take home, but only the items listed above will have been sorted for Pickup.
Check our Items Accepted List for a detailed list of items that you can sell at our Kids EveryWEAR event.