Kids EveryWEAR's Boutique Bash is an all-season sale featuring boutique, sustainable, and high-end designer brands of children's clothing, shoes and accessories, toys, infant equipment, indoor and outdoor play equipment, and nursery furniture, from hundreds of families! Plus, we feature high-end ladies' & men's clothing and shoes and a limited selection of high-end housewares.
Anyone is welcome to shop the Boutique Bash! Want first dibs? Join the Crew & shop first! Join us for our Sip & Thrift on the first night by joining the Crew or by buying a Platinum or Gold ticket. We also offer $5 & free tickets! Grab a ticket for each day ~ full price & 50% off. |
Shopping Details |
Consign your high-end items at the Boutique Bash. Tag your other children's brands for Kids EveryWEAR and all the adult stuff for our EverythingELSE Sale. We know how to sell your stuff! We have 3 options - you tag & put it out, we tag for you, or drop 'n go. Pick the one that meets your needs and get started today! |
Selling Options |