
Email us atif you might be able to help in the areas listed below. 

  • Join our Affiliate Program if you are willing to share Kids EveryWEAR by giving every FB post a heart and comment and then share all of our FB posts to your FB groups. Please email if you would like to join the team to earn Crew hours to shop FIRST!
  • HTML guru or web designer to alter our Joomla site - make it mobile-friendly, add rotating banners, etc. for BB Crew status.
  • Graphic design work in exchange for Crew status.
  • programmer proficient in Perl
  • Posters -  Do you work for a printer? We need 18x24 b&w or color posters for BB Crew status.
  • Drone video after final drop-off as your BB Crew position.
  • Large Bags: Register online once you have bags in hand! Stores have generously donated these to the sale in the past. The large bag is approximately 22x12x36. Please no grocery-sized bags! Lowes Home Improvement, Target, Dicks Sporting Goods, Staples, Joann's, Kohl's, Office Max are great places to ask for donations. We can also use the large paper bags from Bath and Body Works but you need 2 boxes of 250 to get super credit for those. Calling is ineffective. We recommend you go in and ask. You will receive 6 volunteer hours for bringing a box of 500 new bags to the sale at the drop-off day or shopping day. If you need a letter on our letterhead, you may print this one. These bags need to be thick. Someone ordered them from the internet for us in 8 mil and they were WAY TOO THIN. The bags we use are 23.5 microns thick. Thanks for your help in obtaining the appropriate bags.
  • Graphic design work on a Crew basis.
  • photographer to take pictures during our events, edit them as needed, and apply our presets to them.
  • Media guru to post to homeschool and online groups for us. Email me a list of groups you could cover and I will send you a text to send.
  • Window decals - If you work for a company and can make us window decals, we'll give you Crew status in trade.
  • Meals: Do your friends and family consider you a great cook? We need GOOD HOME COOKIN' for 6 adults each day of the sale. We know it might sound absurd to ask for meals, but we are at the sale with our young kids for several weeks straight and cannot leave the checkout area during the sale. Pizza delivery gets old QUICK! Click on MEAL SIGNUP for more information on providing meals as Crew.
  • Cooperative Advertising: If you have a website or publication and allow Kids EveryWear to place a banner ad on your site or print ad in your publication, we will allow you to place an ad on our site for free or will exchange for Crew hours.
  • Access to Interstate Fence Line: If you own rural property on any of the major highways or interstates coming into the Triangle area and are willing to allow us to hang a light, all-weather corrugated sign on your fence line (they just zip-tie on) for a couple of months in the spring and the same in the fall, you'll earn four Crew hours per event.
  • Organize a group of students/folks who might need community service hours to come and sort unsold clothing items on behalf of a 501c3 to earn hours toward BB Crew pre-sale privileges. The charity can sign any BB Crew paperwork for the service hours completed. The Crew hours on behalf of the 501c3 are NOT on behalf of Kids EveryWEAR. Therefore, each individual will not earn shop early privileges with Kids EveryWEAR. But the person who coordinates a group of students to help can receive hours towards early shopping with Kids EveryWEAR for organizing the group. You would need to email for details about when the group could help. The date would be the day before Pickup.
  • TV/Radio/magazine/newspaper coverage: Do you know someone who works in one of these? Get us in the news and you win big time!