Dropping Off for the Kids EveryWEAR Spring Sale
No time? Sign up for Drop 'N Go!
*Remember - Our regular Kids EveryWEAR Sale does not include Adult Clothing, Adult Shoes (child-appropriate shoes through size 8.5 are accepted but no pointy shoes, stilettos, etc), Adult Purses, or Furniture (except Toddler Beds and Nursery Furniture). Our Kids EveryWEAR sale will have all the rest: Children's Clothing, Toys, Baby Equipment, Housewares, Children's Shoes, Children's Purses, and so much more! Bring your adult clothing, furniture, appliances, and everything else to our EverythingELSE Sale!
Check out our Items Accepted Chart to ensure you only bring the items we accept at this sale.
Print a pdf copy of the Little Girls Clothing Categories here.
Print a pdf copy of the Big Girls Clothing Categories here.
Print a pdf copy of the Little Boys Clothing Categories here.
Print a pdf copy of the Big Boys Clothing Categories here.
Print a copy of the Spring Kids EveryWEAR Clothing Layout from pdf here.
Print a copy of the Spring Kids EveryWEAR Event Map from pdf here.
✔️ Cribs, toddler beds & their matching dressers
✔️ Bikes, toys, play equipment...
✔️ Outdoor toys - bikes, playhouses, wagons, cozy coupes, ride-on toys, electric ride-ons, swings, bounce houses, scooters, bikes, trikes, balance bikes, even adult bikes... These BIG ITEMS are our best sellers!
✔️ Baby equipment - cribs, highchairs, swings, strollers...
✔️ Toys! Toys! Toys!
✔️ Excellent condition freshly laundered Spring/Summer children's clothes (sizes preemie-kids 18/20) in current styles
✔️ Excellent condition clean and scuff-free Spring/Summer children's shoes (sizes crib shoes to children's 5 as well as child-appropriate adult sizes through 8.5) - magic eraser works wonders on soles!
✔️ Children's clothing accessories like hair bows or like-new undies or onesies
✔️ Small appliances and housewares that would fit on housewares shelves (TV's must be <= 32" and flat screen, monitors must have an HDMI connection, routers must be current only)
✔️ Small house decor but no glass front pictures (save these for EE)
✔️ Sports equipment for children
✔️ Children's books & pregnancy guides
✔️ DVDs, electronics, gaming systems
✔️ Puzzles, games, and arts & crafts for adults & kids
✔️ Check out the Items Accepted chart because we accept SO MUCH MORE!
NO Fall/Winter clothing
NO Fall/Winter clothing or decor
NO Adult or Juniors clothing (no size 00,0, xs, s and up)
NO Adult-appropriate shoes (pointy toes or high heels) or adult shoes above size 8.5
NO Fall/Winter shoes (no snow boots or fur-lined shoes or lined Crocs, but we will accept rain boots and cowboy boots.)
NO Scuffed toe shoes or shoes with footprints inside
NO Outdated clothes - only current styles
NO Adult bedding or adult curtains
NO Ladies Purses
NO Framed pictures with glass allowed - only nursery pictures at KE
NO handmade or hand-painted items
NO Large furniture & large appliances
NO Adult luggage (only kid designs are accepted)
NO Lamps (only nursery lamps are accepted)
NO Adult scarves, jewelry, purses, accessories
NO Stained, worn, torn items - gently used like new only
NO Crib comforters or crib quilts
NO Crib bumpers except mesh bumpers
NO Generic stuffed animals or large stuffed animals (see Items Accepted for details)
NO Adult books or cookbooks except baby food guides
NO Rusted bikes
NO Outdated electronics
NO Adult rated video games (Mature is accepted)
NO Adult backpacks (only kids' backpacks)
NO Toys without working batteries
NO Puzzles, Games, DVDs, or boxed items missing pieces (please count & mark tag "complete")
NO Books with scribbles or torn pages
NO Drop-side cribs or other recalled items
NO Expired car seats (write EXP date on tag front)
NO Used makeup/lotions/shampoos... only new
Presort Categories for the Kids EveryWEAR Spring/Summer Sale
Presort your clothing into the following categories in which you will hang your items at Drop-off to make clothing drop-off go more quickly and your items sell best.
Before coming to drop-off, we recommend that you sort your clothing by gender, size, and type and place a rubber band around the hangers of each group. Layer rubber-banded groups in boxes, bins, or trash bags.
Hang on specially marked round racks separate from the main racks.
(Make sure you hang items to the right of the size sign.)
Before coming to Drop-off, attach a piece of curling ribbon to each boutique item's hanger
Easter & 4th of July Clothing
Hang on bottom main racks.
Boutique holiday goes with Boutique.
(Make sure you hang items to the right of the size sign.)
PAJAMAS sizes 9 months & up
Hang on the bottom main racks.
(Make sure you hang to the right of the size sign.)
Hang on the top main racks.
(Make sure you hang items to the right of the size sign.)
Hang on the bottom main racks.
(Make sure you hang items to the right of the size sign.)
Short-sleeved & lightweight long-sleeved shirts
(no Fall or Winter patterns, no thermal, no flannel, no fleece, no dark plaids)
hang on the top main racks.
(Make sure you hang items to the right of the size sign.)
Hang on the bottom of main racks.
In each size, we have a section for SLIM and a section for PLUS in each girl's size and HUSKY in each boy's size.
(Make sure you hang items to the right of the size sign.)
Sets/outfits with pants, long lightweight overalls, & lightweight spring/summer pant rompers.
Hang on the top main racks.
(Make sure you hang items to the right of the size sign.)
Specially marked racks in Toys.
Bottom main rack; boutique dresses hang with boutique.
(Make sure you hang items to the right of the size sign.)
Holiday dresses will hang with Holiday unless it's boutique; boutique holiday dresses hang with boutique.
(Make sure you hang items to the right of the size sign.)
Team jerseys, cheerleading outfits, and shirts with college and professional team logos:
Hang on specially marked racks near sporting goods.
No high school or local club shirts or YMCA shirts.
(Make sure you hang items to the right of the size sign.)
Karate, soccer shorts, football
& baseball pants:
Hang on specially marked racks near sporting goods.
(Make sure you hang items to the right of the size sign.)
Children's school embroidered uniforms and screen-printed local school spirit wear will be accepted. NO items that have student names, years, or dated events are accepted at our sale. Uniform clothing without school logos will go on the regular racks.
Hang on specially marked racks
near team sports.
(Make sure you hang items to the right of the size sign.)