Each sale we try to find ways to make our sale better for everyone: our consignors, our shoppers, & our great Crew! Thanks to all who give suggestions to make our sales great! Thanks to all who give suggestions to make our sales great!
The Crew helps run our events. The Crew shops first! First dibs! Lowest prices! We need you!!! The Crew is the heartbeat of our events! Shifts are typically 5 hours. 2 longer super shifts [S] count as 3 regular shifts.
Marathoner Crew shop first
(8) regular or 5 [S] super shifts + 1 regular shift
(Each super shift is 1.5 regular shifts so 2 super shifts = 3 regular shifts for counting purposes)
Marathon Crew - This select group also gets the privilege of receiving 100% commission on any items they sell up to the first $1200 in sales. Marathon positions must be applied for. Marathoners must have worked as a Diehard for one event prior to requesting Marathon approval.
Diehard Crew shop next
(6) regular or 4 [S] super shifts
(Each super shift is 1.5 regular shifts so 2 super shifts = 3 regular shifts for counting purposes)
We request that each Diehard work at least one EVENING or WEEKDAY shift if at all possible! New Diehards must work at least 2 shifts before your shopping time.
Super Duper Crew
(3) regular or 2 [S] super shifts
Super Duper Crew shop first on Saturday!
(Note: a [S] slot that gives Super credit cannot be combined with a regular slot to obtain Super Duper status. 2 [S] slots give Super Duper or 3 regular shifts.)
Super Crew
(2) regular or 1 [S] super shift(s)
Shop second on Saturday!
Super Crew shop for several EXCLUSIVE HOURS before Regular Crew.
Regular Crew & Platinum Ticket
(1) regular shift
Regular Crew shop third on Saturday!
Never helped at a Kids EveryWEAR event before? The Crew enjoys the fellowship of fellow moms & dads! A change of pace. New faces. New friends... And FIRST PICK OF ALL THE GREATEST BARGAINS! It doesn't matter whether you sign up to work before, during, or after the sale, if you join the Crew you shop first! Imagine shopping in a nearly empty store, with shorter lines, cheaper prices, and all the good stuff still ripe for the picking! We offer extended presales – the longest in town – exclusive to the Crew.
Crew positions range from scanning tags of items to be purchased, to organizing toys, clothing, and accessories before or during the sale, to sorting the unsold items after the final day of the sale, to setting up before the sale and breaking down the racks after the sale, to watching doors and answering questions or helping at drop-off get consignors checked in and directing them, to helping man our fitting rooms. When you register, you can choose which type of position you want. We have sitting positions, standing positions, and positions for almost anyone. Email us if you have questions or if you can't find a slot that works for you.
Believe it or not, almost NO schedule is too full. We'll find a way to work with you if you want to find a way to work for us! There are countless opportunities to serve before, during, and even after the sale! Mothers with newborn infants are welcome to babywear if they can successfully complete their Crew obligations.
Seeking out one special Crew member per area to work diehard hours during drop-offs and other times during the sale to keep up with organizing (and re-organizing). Wonder why our book area is so beautiful? It has a "manager"! Diehard Crew shop 2nd, right after Marathon! This is the very best way to make sure you find all the goodies on your wish list - first dibs and no crowds! Looking for the inside track? This is it!
Husbands, grandparents, teens 16 and up, etc. may work all or some of your Crew hours you sign up for. Keep in mind that the intent of these extended Crew options is to limit the amount of training and shift changes necessary during the busiest sale times, and these Crew members are needed for critical, skill-specific jobs.
Have a unique service to offer? A special talent? The generosity and help we receive, often in non-traditional venues, blesses us more than you can imagine! Click on Bartering to see what you might be able to trade us for a shop early pass! Let's make a deal!
Click on the register button in the Crew menu, choose Crew, and read through the Crew terms. The next screen will show you all available slots, except meal slots which you can see after entering the password listed on the Barter page of the website.
You can even send your husband or partner! We need a few strong folks to help out, especially at setup and breakdown and working our amazing Holds Department! Or they can work with you to earn you twice the hours you would earn alone! A typical "female" is usually unable to do these heavy-lifting shifts.
We welcome Grandparents to work in your stead and even have tasks suited for those with physical limitations.
Reliable teens, age 16 and up, may join the Crew for slots to earn you extra Crew status. However, teens aged 16-17 may only sign up for one shift and then request approval to do more in the future.
We need greeters to interface with shoppers. Our greeters check passes and/or ID to ensure that we are honoring the commitments that those entitled to shop early have made to the sale. They scan tickets on ticket days. We need friendly, enthusiastic folks who can graciously explain to passersby why they might not be permitted to shop at a given time and make them feel welcome to return at a later time.
During preview sales and public shopping times, we also ask the door person to help us maintain security by checking receipts of exiting shoppers and inside bins and luggage.
Finally, those who serve in this position direct shoppers and answer general questions. Clearly, these tasks are of tremendous importance!
Door positions require that you download the Ticket Tailor Checkin app and scan tickets with your phone. Please bring a charging cord. We can log you in when you arrive. Download here for Apple. Download here for Google. Thanks!
The fitting room crew sorts unwanted items at the fitting rooms, puts items back, and helps customers test items.
Marathoner Crew
(8) regular or 5 [S] super shifts + 1 regular shift
(each super shift is 1.5 regular shifts so 2 super shifts= 3 regular shifts for counting purposes)
Diehard Crew
(6) regular or 4 [S] super shifts
(each super shift is 1.5 regular shift so 2 super shifts = 3 regular shifts for counting purposes)
Super Duper Crew
(3) regular shifts OR (2) [S] super shifts
(each super shift is 1.5 regular shift so 2 super shifts= 3 regular shifts for counting purposes)
Super Crew & Sapphire Ticket
(2) regular shifts OR 1 [S] super shift or $100 ticket. Get your Sapphire Ticket here.
Regular Crew & Platinum Ticket
(1) regular shift or $50 ticket. Get your Platinum Ticket here.
The Crew shops early for Discount Day too!
Ask your friends to get a FREE ticket to our Friends Sale!
Our special EverythingELSE Sale will include Adult Clothing & Accessories, Furniture, Appliances, Toys, Baby Equipment, Nursing and Maternity Wear, Housewares, Adult Shoes, Purses, Tools, Electronics, Sporting Goods, and so much more! Just about EverythingELSE except children's clothing and children's shoes.
Email us atif you might be able to help in the areas listed below.
If it is more than one week before your Crew full-price shopping day, simply click on register and run back through the registration process. Deselect the slot(s) that you can no longer work and choose new slots.
If it is less than one week before your Crew full-price shopping day, use Registration to change your slot to another time and forward your confirmation of this change with a note via email letting us know of the shift you must miss and the shift you have now registered for to replace it, keeping in mind the following Crew agreement (which you accepted during online registration):
In an effort to ensure the quality of the sale by retaining a sufficient number of Crew workers, Kids EveryWear will require that Crew fulfill their pledged obligation to work the shift(s) they have selected. Crew are expected to be on time and fulfill entire shift. If you cannot fulfill your shift, please register, uncheck that shift, and choose another. If it is one week or less prior to the Crew Shopping Day, please also forward the confirmation to us at
and notify us of the change.
In the event that a Crew member does not fulfill her commitment or find a suitable replacement on her behalf, Kids EveryWear requests that you venmo kidseverywear $50 per missed shift if you can't reschedule to a makeup slot. We may deduct $50 for regular Crew and $100 for super Crew or $150 for Super Duper Crew of the consignor earnings if you fail to do so. Preferably we ask that you switch to another slot and let us know! KE Crew who are not consignors and cannot make up a missed slot are asked to venmo kidseverywear or paypal $50 per missed slot to kidseverywear @ gmail . com (removing spaces) within 24 hours of missing their shift to pay for us to hire a replacement. Should a Crew member NOT additionally be participating as a consignor, that Crew may not be allowed to participate again in future Kids EveryWear Crew Preview Sales unless they make up their missed shift or venmo. Extreme extenuating circumstances will be considered (such as death in the family).
Should extenuating circumstances prevent you from shopping at the Preview Sale, it would still be our hope that you would consider fulfilling your timeslot so as not to leave us short-staffed.
If it is within one week of the approaching Crew shop date and you find yourself unable to fulfill your slot, we require switching to another slot or finding someone to fill your place. Please understand that these guidelines have been created in an effort to maintain a high-quality sale and a spirit of fairness to all who give sacrificially of their time.
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